This year’s campaign has the Castlegar & District Hospital Foundation working towards supporting renovations to the medication room in the Emergency Department at the Castlegar Health Centre.
Additional funds raised if any, will be applied to areas of greatest need at the Castlegar Health Centre and Talarico Place.
Donations continue to be accepted as we work to achieving the goal of $30,000.
We invite you to donate:
- In person (at the Castlegar Health Centre)
- By phone (250-304-1209)
- By mail (708 – 10th St, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2H7)
- On Our Website Here
Remember “Your Donation Boomerangs Back To You”
Thank You to everyone who contributed to the success of the day, including the staff of the Castlegar Health Centre, Directors of the Castlegar and District Hospital Foundation, EZ Rock, Castlegar News, Canada Safeway, Steve’s NoFrills and particularly, our generous donors!
Light Up 2015 Pledge Day Gallery
Colleen Gourlie of the Castlegar Hospital Auxiliary presents a very generous donation to the CDHF. Accepting the donation is Stefanie Zaytsoff. Suzanne McCombs, CIHS Manager is also in attendance.
Some directors of the CDHF include: Margaret Nickle, Nettie Stupnikoff, Beverley Chernoff, Joan Snyder, Polly Chernoff and Caroline Kavaloff
Lea Wilman from EZ Rock presenting a much appreciated donation on behalf of Bell Media, to Stefanie Zaytsoff of the Castlegar & District Hospital Foundation.
Lawrence Chernoff, Mayor of Castlegar, came by to personally donate to CDHF. Accepting the donation are Nettie Stupnikoff and Stefanie Zaytsoff.
Congratulations Angela Pfaff, winner of the lovely door prize donated for the event by Boulevard Hair & Wig Salon, seen here receiving the prize from Stefanie Zaytsoff of the CDHF.