The Castlegar and District Hospital Foundation is gearing up for Lighting Up the Health Centre, with PLEDGE DAY coming up Friday, December 4th. The Foundation is raising funds for a Laryngoscope– Glidescope and an UltraSound Bladder Scanner for the Emergency Department, with any additional funds raised applied to areas of greatest need at Talarico Place or the Castlegar Health Centre, which now includes an Urgent and Primary Care Centre.

The Castlegar District and Community Health Center serves a population of about 9000 in the Kootenay Boundary region. With the addition of Urgent and Primary Care, the facility is even more valued in the community. Two pieces of equipment have recently been identified as being important to have as goals for Light Up 2020.

A bladder scanner is a portable ultrasound device which can perform a quick and non-invasive scan of the bladder. It has an ultrasound probe and transducer to reflect sound waves from patient to scanner which will help with diagnosis.

A Glidescope is a device that is used for difficult airway management. It provides better visualization of the throat in order to place a tube when the patient requires assistance with breathing.

Sincere appreciation goes out to everyone who has supported Light Up throughout the years in Castlegar. You’ve helped make a difference! Last year you funded the acquisition of advanced respiratory equipment that our healthcare professionals can trust in order to do their jobs with confidence. Physicians and nurses are tasked with providing non-invasive mask ventilation and invasive ventilation via artificial airway for patients who are experiencing respiratory failure. This ventilator is capable of ventilating all age ranges from infant to geriatric and has cutting edge alarm and monitoring capability and replaced one which is no longer functioning. Who could have known when the ventilator was identified as Light Up 2019’s goal, that it would be so timely in view of the Covid19 times we are living in.

Sophisticated equipment is expensive but worth the investment if it can help those in our community. Your support is needed! Donors are encouraged to donate online at the Foundation’s website by clicking the button below. Donations may also be mailed or dropped off at the CDHF 709-10th St., Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2H7. Official tax receipts will be issued.


Remember, your donation boomerangs back to you!

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